
About ultraton

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So far ultraton has created 11 blog entries.

What it’s Like to Work in a Bike Shop: Expectation vs. Reality

So you’re on the hunt for a job. Maybe you’ve just left school and are looking for your first job. Maybe you’ve been around the block and feel like a change. Working in a bike shop sounds like a good [...]

2020-11-13T19:31:49-05:00Comments Off on What it’s Like to Work in a Bike Shop: Expectation vs. Reality

Bucephalus Bikes Keeps Bicycles in Tune in 2020

Alex Añón jokingly tells his customers at Bucephalus Bikes, 1424 Lake St., that he’ll be “the last one pounding on your bike’s chest.”Mr. Añón, who opened the shop in 2009, takes pride in resurrecting bikes that might cause other bike [...]

2020-11-12T14:10:05-05:00Comments Off on Bucephalus Bikes Keeps Bicycles in Tune in 2020

Follow along as an Athens man rides a heavy, one-speed bicycle around the world in the 1930s in recently republished book

A remarkable man’s remarkable story is now once again available for proclamation, thanks to the University of Georgia Press.Earlier this summer, the UGA Press re-released “Around the World on a Bicycle,” a combination travelogue and memoir written in the mid-1930s [...]

2020-11-12T16:29:44-05:00Comments Off on Follow along as an Athens man rides a heavy, one-speed bicycle around the world in the 1930s in recently republished book

With one foot on sustainability and the other on community, Bucephalus Bikes pedals through pandemic

While the pandemic has forced the business to shift gears, COVID-19 isn’t putting the brakes on Bucephalus Bikes.Since 2009, Alejandro Añón and his wife, Cecelia Wallin, have repaired, rebuilt and refurbished bikes at the Lake Street shop. All the while, [...]

2020-11-11T14:24:09-05:00Comments Off on With one foot on sustainability and the other on community, Bucephalus Bikes pedals through pandemic

Evanston’s Quirky? Why Would Anyone Think That?

My fleeting "rein date" with Alex Añón and Ryan Pavlik of Bucephalus Bikes.  Evanston, IL By Christine Wolf (Star Patcher) - October 7, 2011 5:34 am ET ShareTweetGoogle PlusRedditEmailComments1   One thing Evanston has a reputation for is quirkiness; [...]

2019-06-14T10:12:38-05:00Comments Off on Evanston’s Quirky? Why Would Anyone Think That?

Have You Seen The Florence/Crain Arts Building?

There’s a narrow strip of Florence Avenue, south of Dempster (between Crain and Greenleaf) with an impressive array of local businesses: Bucephalus Bikes, Just Builders, Perfical Sense Studio andEvanston Print & Paper.  Were it not for Bucephalus Bikes’ distinctive wheeled-windows, [...]

2019-06-14T10:13:24-05:00Comments Off on Have You Seen The Florence/Crain Arts Building?
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